Postcard in Word

Postcard Word Template - Design Sample 1

Postcard in word postcard template download

Postcard in Word – Postcard Word Template – Design Sample 1

This Postcard in Word Template was created in Microsoft Word. And this is Design Sample 1. You may also checkout the design sample 2 from the similar product link below. The size of this postcard is 6 inchs wide and 4 inches height which is a standard US postcard size. There are many other standard post card sizes as well. You can customize this template to different sizes. I have created this template on a A4 size word document. To customize this template you will need to ungroup the elements first, then resize the shapes, move them and change the color attributes. You may also alter the other shape attributes such as line thickness, line weight, gradient fill and transperancy. Once after making the changes to the artwork it is recomended to group all objects together. Grouping the objects together helps you to easily align the final art work on the page. Before making any alterations I recommend you to watch my video tutorial below on this topic for a complete understanding.

If you have any doubts you may contact me through my email id or visit my YouTube channel by clicking on the video below and leave you quiries in the comments. I shall always be happy to help you with everyday Microsoft Word requirements.

Available formats: Microsoft Word & PDF format aswell

The files are absolutely free to download. You can enter your email id and do a free purchase checkout.

To check the preview watch the below video. If you want to learn how to make this for free yourself then you can watch the below step by step Microsoft Word tutorial video. Also visit my youtube channel for more MS Word tutorials.

Click here to explore more Microsoft Word Templates. I thank you all for visiting my website!
