Do You Know Who Received Your Email? Check Your Email Log?

Do You Know Who Received Your Email? Check Your Email Log?

Do You Know Who Received Your Email? Check Your Email Log?

Do you want to know How to Log Your Emails with WordPress?

If you want to keep the records of all the mails that are sent through your website, then you will need the enable the email logging feature.

In this tutorial I’ll explain you how to use WP Mail SMTP plugin to set up email logs in WordPress.

Well! You can setup email logs feature in 3 stages. Just follow the step by step instructions:

  • 1st Stage: WP Mail SMTP plugin installation and activation
  • 2nd Stage: Enabling the Email Logs feature
  • 3rd and Final Stage: Viewing the Email Logs

Subscribe to WP Mail SMTP WordPress Plugin Now!

Now before we start lets learn why email logging is important?

If you turn on the Email Logs feature of WP Mail SMTP plugin your WordPress database starts tracking all the outgoing emails, notifications and reminders that are sent through your website.

Tracking email logs are helpful especially in the following conditions:

When form notifications are used: When somebody sends you messages to you through online forms, say for instance contact form, email alerts are sent by the form notifications. With this feature it is possible to route emails to a particular team member and stay at the top of your incoming leads.

When you want to know which email goes to which person: The emails and notifications that your website sends might be received by an individual or by a particular person of a team. And this email logs feature exactly tracks and spots that particular person among the team who has received your emails and notifications.

When you want to know more other email log details: This feature allows you to know the date and time of the emails and notifications that were sent.

When you want to make sure that your emails are delivered are not: This feature also helps you determine whether your emails and notifications are delivered or not. When your clients or website visitors complain that they didn’t receive the email, you can check the email log and fix the issue. Email delivery issues are common in many situations such as user registration, password reset, order confirmation and most other cases.

Now lets see how to setup email logs using WP Mail SMTP plugin in WordPress

Ok now lets jump into the practical stuff. Closely follow the step by step instructions to setup email logs using WP Mail SMTP plugin in WordPress.

1st Step: Installing and activating WP Mail SMTP plugin

So to install WP Mail SMTP plugin ⇒ Go to plugins from the WordPress dashboard ⇒ Then click on add new ⇒ In the search box type WP Mail SMTP  ⇒ Then click on install now ⇒ Then click on activate. Please refer to the images below for a better understanding:

instlling wp smtp plugin by wpforms

wpsmtp plugin installation in wordpress

installing wp mail smtp by wpforms

best smtp plugin for wordpress

You may watch the video tutorial below to learn more about WP Mail SMTP WordPress plugin

2nd Step: Enabling Email Logs in your WordPress

Go to WP Mail SMTP from the WordPress dashboard ⇒ then click on Settings ⇒ and then click on Email Log tab. Refer to the image below:

In this Email Log section you can see a checkbox near Enable Log. Enabling this option helps you to track all your outgoing emails and notifications.

The Email Log feature helps track the following details:

  • Email Status tracking
  • Lets you know when the email was sent (the particular time and date)
  • The subject of the email
  • The CC and BCC details of your recipient’s email ID
  • From Email
  • File attachment information if any
  • Lets you know about the mailer that was used
  • And many other additional details such as MIME, content-type etc

Ok now enough theory, now lets proceed to the next step. Go ahead and click on enable log. This will reveal another option called Log Email Content as shown in the image below.

Do You Know Who Received Your Email? Check Your Email Log?

The Log Email Content option generally stores all the outgoing email’s content as well. The email record details with many other associated information could be found here once enabled.

Please note that enabling Log Email Content is optional. You may do it if required.

The Log Email Content option stores all the tracked information as plain text inside your WordPress database. As this information is stored as plain text it wouldn’t be encrypted so you should think twice before enabling this option.

For now leave this option unchecked and click on the Save Settings button.

Do You Know Who Received Your Email? Check Your Email Log?

3rd and Final Step: Viewing the Email Logs in WordPress

To view the Email Logs go to WP Mail SMTP from the WordPress dashboard and then click on Email Log. The email logs is arranged in chronological order, so you get to see the recent email details at the top.

Do You Know Who Received Your Email? Check Your Email Log?

You can dig into every log and get additional information for every log. To do that just click on the subject of a particular log.

Do You Know Who Received Your Email? Check Your Email Log?

Now this step concludes this tutorial. You’re all done!

Final Thoughts:

In this busy world it often becomes important to track things to just know whether the task was successfully completed or not. Email logs lets you learn whether your emails and notifications are delivered or not. And WP Mail SMTP WordPress plugin is the best plugin that I recommend for this purpose.

Get awesome discounts on WP Mail SMTP subscription here.

Do You Know Who Received Your Email? Check Your Email Log?

I hope this article on Do You Know Who Received Your Email? Check Your Email Log? is helpful. Keep coming to my site for more…

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