14 Reasons WPForms Is The Best Form Builder

14 Reasons WPForms Is The Best Form Builder

14 Reasons WPForms Is The Best Form Builder

Every website today requires a contact form since its the quickest, handy and easiest way to reach you immediately. Using plugins are the easiest way to create contact forms. And using form builders are the easiest way to build your desired forms. Having said that lets dive into today’s topic: 14 Reasons WPForms Is The Best Form Builder.

This article is dedicated to those who use WordPress for their websites and also its for those who use or planning to use WPForms. WPForms offers Free and Pro plans with plenty of Addons and useful updates pouring in time to time.

If you own a WordPress website then you need to have a contact form with a good form builder

You may display you contact details such as phone number and email id on you contact page or so to facilitate communication between you and website visitors.

Most of the times its not advisable to display your email id because of these disadvantages:

  • Every time someone needing to contact you will have do a copy and paste of your email id to an email client and then send you an email which is quite frustrating and time consuming.
  • Secondly there is a chance that your email id might be used by spammers, bots and hackers. Using a contact form actually masks your email details which is a good precaution.

You may also place social buttons on your website through which your website users can contact you. But again this is also a time consuming process because the users needs to login to their social accounts and then send you a message.

From the above scenarios one can easily understand that contact form is the quickest and safest method of communication.

So if your website is built using WordPress you should definitely have a contact form and a robust form builder to create one. The best WordPress form builder that I would like to recommend is WPForms.

Lets have a quick look at the Top 14 reasons that make WPForms the best form builder for WordPress websites

The Best Survey Software in 2020 - Best WodPress Survey Plugin

The most user friendly and easy to use WordPress form builder

WPForms offers a powerful drag and drop form builder which is absolutely easy to learn and use. You don’t need any coding skills to use WPForms. You can create almost any kind of online forms whether be it a contact form, survey form, subscription form, conversational form etc in no time. You can drag and re-arrange the fields as per your requirement. And further each field has a number of options and customization. The image below is an illustration of WPForms form builder.

Attractive built-in form templates

The Form Templates Pack Addon comes with tons of form templates for all situations which makes your task simple and saves hours of your time. It has templates to suit every situations and businesses such as

  • Basic Mortgage Application Form Template
  • Blog Post Submission Form Template
  • Cancellation Survey Form Template
  • Complaint Form Template
  • Donation Form Template
  • Enrollment Form Template
  • Employee Termination Template
  • Event Planner Form Template
  • File Upload Form Template
  • Gift Card Form Template
  • Health Insurance Quote Form Template
  • IT Asset Form Template
  • Newspaper Subscription Form Template
  • Parental Consent Form Template
  • Partnership Agreement Form Template
  • Summer Camp Registration Form Template
  • Travel Request Form Template
  • User Registration Form Template
  • Vendor Registration Form Template
  • Video Release Form Template
  • Webinar Registration Form Template

I have just mentioned a very few of the templates, you can find more at WPForms website. Also you can check out the demo for each form.

WPForms has Attractive built-in form templates

Multi-Step or Multi-Page Forms

Presenting big forms before your website visitors may get them bored and possibly drive them away from your website. Instead of creating a very lengthier form you can split the form into many step by step pages. This way you can improve the user engagement.

Create Dynamic Forms using Conditional Logic

You can create dynamic forms using conditional logic which are helpful to show or hide fields and options depending upon the user selections. You can create forms that change their upcoming fields dynamically according to active selection. For example a survey form can have different sets of questions for different regions. Upon selecting a particular region the questions and the pattern may change.

Create Mobile friendly forms that are responsive across all devices and screens

Any forms created using WPForms are 100% responsive. Its designed to fit all kinds of screens and devices. Also it is compatible with all the major web browsers.

With WPForms you can create Mobile friendly forms that are responsive across all devices and screens

Protect your forms from spammers

You don’t have to install any other plugin for spam protection. WPForms spam protection feature is really very smart in detecting spam messages. Also you can add a CAPTCHA or Google reCAPTCHA functionality for enhanced protection.

Protect your forms from spammers with WPForms

Manage and streamline your leads with the help of Entry Management feature

This is really the most wanted feature for most businesses! WPForms is not just a contact form builder, its also efficient enough manage your leads from within your WordPress dashboard. With this feature you can easily view, sort, edit, delete and bookmark entries of each form interdependently. You don’t need any 3rd party entry management system for this purpose anymore.

WPforms helps Manage and streamline your leads with the help of Entry Management feature

Easy Integration with a number of Popular Apps

WPForms comes with pre-built addons wth which you can easily integrate with a lot of Poplar Apps such as Paypal, Stripe, Authorize.Net, Constant Contact, AWeber, Mailchimp, GetResponse, Campaign Monitor, ActiveCampaign, Salesforce, Drip, Zapier and more.

14 Reasons WPForms Is The Best Form Builder - Easy Integration with a number of Popular Apps

Digital Signature Addon Feature

This feature of WPForms allows your website visitors to upload their digital signatures via the online forms itself. You can provide an upload option so that they can submit their signature at the time of form filling.

14 Reasons WPForms Is The Best Form Builder - WPForms Digital Signature Addon Feature

Create form landing pages

People often want to create a landing page for form filling mainly because its distraction free and dedicated to the purpose. And most of the time you cannot a landing page without a plugin in WordPress. WPForms Form Pages Addon just solves this problem and you don’t really need a separate plugin or addon to create a landing pages anymore.

with wpforms you can create a landing page witout additional wordpress plugin or addon

Capture partially entered form data…Data entered Offline…And User Flow…

Not every visitor of your website completes the form filling. But still the data entered by the user might be of a value. With the Form Abandonment Addon you can capture partially entered form data of your website visitor or user. Also there are addons to capture Offline entries (this is helpful when your website visitor looses the internet connection) and user flow (this is helpful to track the pages or posts that are viewed by your audience).

WPForms captures partially entered data, offline data and tracks user flow

Lock your form and set restrictions or limitations to form entries

This feature of WPForms allows you to

  • password protect your form to specific users
  • disable the form on a particular date or time
  • set a limit to the form submission
  • limit the number of entries per person
  • create a dedicated form to your members only

14 Reasons WPForms Is The Best Form Builder - set restrictions or limitations to form entries using wpforms

Create Conversational Forms that are just like actual conversations

This feature allows you to easily convert your existing form into a conversational form without having to install any 3rd party plugins or services. The video below explains this concept in detail.

Last but not least…The Webhooks Addon

Webhooks are essential when there is no direct option to integrate your WordPress form and a 3rd party service or app. If you are tech-savvy you will surely love this option as this reduces your coding efforts and saves your precious time.

14 Reasons WPForms Is The Best Form Builder - wpfroms webhooks addon

Valuable Conclusion

I surely have used a lot of form plugins but very few offer all the customization that you need. WPForms is one plugin with many features bundled together. Its saves your R&D time. Its economical too. So look no further… Why re-invent the wheel? Just subscribe to WPForms now…

14 Reasons WPForms Is The Best Form Builder

I hope that this blog post on 14 Reasons WPForms Is The Best Form Builder is helpful. Visit my website often for more…

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Himaghiri Thanayan.N is the founder of HBN Infotech. He has great dreams and passion for Graphic Design, Web Design, CAD Design, Arts & Crafts, Science & Information Technology and Article Writing.

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