Top 11 Small Business Resolutions for the New Year 2021

Top 11 Small Business Resolutions for the New Year 2021

Top 11 Small Business Resolutions for the New Year 2021

Do you want to boost your business goals for the new year? Do you want to learn the expert tips for your business growth? Then you should follow these recommended Top 11 Small Business Resolutions for the New Year 2021.

There are many new startup companies and business coming in everyday into the market. Most of them are not tech savvy and lack the exposure to the online world. And today its almost impossible for any business to succeed without technical know-hows and particularly the online presence. Believe me that this will be some great tips for website owners probably like you.

Today in this tutorial I shall guide you through some best business resolutions with which you could bring remarkable changes and progress in your business.

1) First thing: you need an appealing website

If you already have a website you may skip this step and continue reading. If you are not online then you are probably in a very wrong path. In today’s world, people just want to get whatever they want in their fingertips. So most of them just head over to the internet and look for the things they want. They use search engines like google to find products and services and land up into a website that appears on the first search engine result page (SERP). If you don’t have a website less like to make business in today’s world. So don’t sit back and wait for your time to come. Stop thinking too much, just register a domain and get a good hosting. If you don’t know which domain and hosting provider to choose, then this guide on 9 Best WordPress Hosting Companies for 2021 will sure help you choose the best one. And if you want to build websites easily then go for WordPress. WordPress is a CMS (content management system) that lets you create websites without any design or coding experience. If you have chosen WordPress and don’t know which theme to use on your website then refer to this article on 15 Most Popular and Best WordPress Themes for 2021.

Top 11 Small Business Resolutions for the New Year 2021

2) Don’t hesitate to write a blog

There are many reasons that a blog is actually necessary. Writing interesting and useful articles could attract readers and surprisingly bring more traffic to your website that you could ever imagine. More importantly writing blog articles is a very cost effective way to generate tons of organic traffic to your website. If you don’t believe my words you can just have a look at this blogging statistics report. And when you get a lot of website visitors, you eventually get more subscribers and news letter signups.

small business resolution tips 2021

3) You should learn the art of search engine optimization (SEO)

Just having your website published online doesn’t get you customers. You will get customers or website visitors only when your website ranks on search engines like Google and Bing. And that is going to happen only when you learn the art of SEO. Follow this link to learn the 55+ Powerful SEO Statistics for 2021 to Boost Your Rankings. There are many SEO factors that influence and help your website rank better in Google. Refer this guide for a better understanding.

top new year resolution tips for small business

4) Be active on top social media channels – Top 11 Small Business Resolutions for the New Year 2021

Social Media is another important aspect to consider next to SEO. Because they have equal or sometimes even more potential than SEO that helps drive a direct traffic to your website. Here are few popular Social Media channels through which you could drive a huge volume of traffic to your website: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest etc and many others. Posting quality content on these channels helps you grow a good fan base. As a result when you post something your fans go and visit it. This way you can increase your website visitors. There are many ways to grow your website visitors and fan base. One of the popular method is by organizing Giveaways on your website.

social media tips for new startups

5) Influence your website visitors to subscribe to your newsletter and build your email list

Email marketing constitutes to be a vital activity in online marketing. When you have the list of email addresses of your website visitors, you can send periodical emails featuring your new products, services or news articles. Now the biggest challenge is creating, growing and maintaining the email list. The very simple way to grow your email list is by placing a newsletter signup or subscription for on your website. This will influence your website visitors to subscribe your website in order to receive updates. Not just that it will help you create a fan base who are actually interested in your content since they are subscribing to you all by their will. Read this article to learn more about growing your email list.

new startup tips for website and digital marketing

6) Your website needs to be mobile friendly – So just make it!

This is actually a very important step because a recent statistics shows that mobile users have increased rapidly and roughly account to around 3.7 billion users world. So it makes it mandatory for you to have your website be responsive across other devices and particularly the smartphones. So whenever you choose a theme for your website you should make sure that it is responsive and runs smoothly without much rendering on mobile devices.

Your website needs to be mobile friendly to get more website visitors

7) Enhance your website in terms of speed and user experience

The next important thing is the load speed of your website and user experience. A fast loading website will have a 200% more chance in terms of website ranking. If your website loads very slow then you would probably loose more than 50% of your website visitors. So it becomes mandatory for you to optimize your website so that it loads faster in seconds.

Another thing that needs attention is the user experience. By user experience we mean the ease of usability of your website. Like it should have proper navigation menus, links and buttons etc. It should not experience layout shifting issues. In short your website needs to be user friendly.

The load speed might also be influenced by the web host. So you should plan to get a hosting from a good hosting provider. Along side you may also prefer to use CDN networks that speeds up your website’s performance considerably.

8) Facilitate your website with a chat support option

Sometimes your website visitors need a quick response. In that case its better to offer a chat support on your website. A quick and immediate interaction might increase the chance of conversion. If you have built your website using WordPress, then here is a list of WordPress chat plugins that you may use.

Facilitate your website with a chat support option

9) Try to know what your competitors are doing – but in a legit way

Sometimes its better to study your competitors in order to plan your marketing strategy. Knowing the promotional activities of your competitors lets you prepare for a better marketing and promotional plans. It would be unethical for you to spy on them directly. Instead there are some legit ways to do it, click here to learn such strategies.

10) You should identify who are your target audience

Studying your target audience lets you understand and get answers to questions such as who visits your site, why they visit, from location and which topic on your website they are interested in etc and more such details. These things will help you frame better content strategy and help grow your business. There are a number of ways to track your target audience, you might use Google Analytics or similar tool for this purpose. But understanding Google Analytics report might be difficult for non tech savvy people. So I would recommend you to integrate and use MonsterInsights the best WordPress Analytics plugin which is more user friendly and easy to understand. Follow this link to know more about MonsterInsights.

11) Sit back, analyze the previous year so that you could get some hints and set some goals accordingly for the new year

This step is always the hardest one. If done manually, it might be very difficult to generate a year review report for the previous year. With a robust tool like MonsterInsights you could easily generate Year in Review report. With this tool you can know the last years performance based on your google analytics and set new goals accordingly for new year. You can figure out the peak and lean time of your website traffic and learn about the new opportunities of online marketing for your website’s growth. Follow this link to learn more about marketing hacks.

Best way to share WordPress analytics reports with Google Analytics

I hope this article on Top 11 Small Business Resolutions for the New Year 2021 is helpful. Stick with my website to learn the best technical hacks.

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Himaghiri Thanayan.N is the founder of HBN Infotech. He has great dreams and passion for Graphic Design, Web Design, CAD Design, Arts & Crafts, Science & Information Technology and Article Writing.

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