How Cloud Technology Helped Businesses in Covid-19?

How Cloud Technology Helped Businesses in Covid-19?

How Cloud Technology Helped Businesses in Covid-19?

How Cloud Technology Helped Businesses in Covid-19? Along with the other industries Pharmaceutical industry has also been adapting cloud computing over the years. But the recent hit of Covid-19 has quickly geared the practice. There are ample reasons behind the rise of the use of cloud technologies. Research people are required to carry on the longest trials to date and in a short time, and they can’t introduce it fast without proper techniques. Cloud computing helped them to launch their works rapidly.

In recent times, pharmaceutical companies need to produce drugs rapidly, modernize settings, decrease technology expenses, and train staff in new working practices. Therefore, many companies leverage cloud technologies with the leading companies such as Google, AWS, Accenture, etc. Even the companies are shifting their R &d to cloud computing. The pharma companies require to maintain a competitive edge, and simultaneously they have to produce medicines rapidly. Therefore, they are modernizing their practices, and cloud technology is the central part of it.

The Cloud technology market in Pharma is expected to grow at a CAGR of 20.9% between 2018 and 2022.Let’s discuss how it helps the businesses to grow:

1) AI for evaluating data:

Data is a crucial factor for pharmaceutical companies like others. The companies working in this field want to possess vital understandings and make sure the practical function requires high-standard data evaluation and the resources that would make it possible. One of the most successful techniques that can help is Artificial Intelligence or AI. AI can perform at its best while collaborating with cloud technologies. It can assist the pharma companies in receiving crucial data insights. It helped them later to create improved medicines, make proper decisions, and many more things.

2) Enhanced Integration:

Pharmaceutical companies are recently more inclined to cloud technologies to assist their R & D groups in performing unanimously throughout the world in a coordinated way. It can help to perform clinical experiments in an improved manner.

3) Huge Data Analytics:

Cloud technologies, along with AI, assist the pharma companies in having reliable genetic data. It helps in anticipating the risks of infection, predicts care strategies and the proper medications. Moreover, massive data analytics ensure that the whole practice like data evaluation, methods, and assessment is happening appropriately. It also helps in the rapid production of drugs which is the key to pharmaceutical companies’ success in the current pandemic situation.

Benefits of using cloud technology:

There are several benefits of using cloud technologies. They are:

  • It helps the pharma industries to produce modernized drugs. In India, an antimicrobial resistance awareness program is going on. Antimicrobial Resistance awareness in India requires modernized production. Cloud computing can help them to produce improved drugs.
  • It helps the companies to create drugs rapidly, which is the prime requirement of the Covid-19 situation.
  • Big data analytics will be easy with the help of cloud computing.
  • It will help the employees to work in an integrated way.


Therefore, cloud technologies are inevitable for the growth of pharmaceutical industries. It can help them to remain competitive and at the same time offering rapid service to the public.

I hope that this article on How Cloud Technology Helped Businesses in Covid-19? is informative.

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Himaghiri Thanayan.N is the founder of HBN Infotech. He has great dreams and passion for Graphic Design, Web Design, CAD Design, Arts & Crafts, Science & Information Technology and Article Writing.

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