Best Dedicated Servers and Cloud Hosting 2021

Best Dedicated Servers and Cloud Hosting 2021

Best Dedicated Servers and Cloud Hosting 2021

Do you want to get the Best Dedicated Servers, Cloud Hosting or Website Hosting then you should read this article till the end. There are many hosting companies who offer a variety of we services but very few are capable of keeping up their words. If you are looking for the best managed hosting for your business growth then I recommend that you should go for Liquid Web, a one stop solution for all your hosting and cloud server needs.

Best Dedicated Servers and Cloud Hosting 2021

Why should you choose Liquid Web?

Well! There are many reasons. Liquid Web has more than 30000+ clients across the globe. And it has more than 25,000+ servers worldwide. They are linked with AMS-IX and NL-IX the largest internet exchanges of the entire Europe. Some of the key features of their services:

  • Redundant Systems: They are equipped with top notch design and security to ensure high quality performance. You don’t experience any sort of redundancy issues.
  • 24/7 technical support for the 365 days a year.
  • Power consistency: UPS backup to keep the data center working round the clock without interruption of any kind. Liquid Web UPS backup is offered by world class companies such as Liebert Precision and Eaton Power.
  • Everlasting internet connectivity: Internet connectivity is backed up by top internet companies such as Cogent, Level3, Verizon, and Comcast.
  • Best cooling systems: Maintenance of the temperature and humidity is done by providing separate compressors for every unit. And further air filters are installed to remove foreign dust particles form the atmosphere.
  • High Security: Security cameras are installed in almost all the parts of the premises and monitored. The data centers are installed in a well secured very thick concrete buildings. CDN and DDoS protection is also offered. And more importantly security personals patrolling is done 24 hours.

Best Dedicated Servers and Cloud Hosting 2021

Liquid Web Products and Services

You can check out all the products at discounted prices through this link

Dedicated Servers:

  • Dedicated Servers
  • Cloud Dedicated Servers
  • VMWare Private Cloud
  • Server Clusters
  • HIPAA Complaint Hosting

Best Dedicated Servers and Cloud Hosting 2021

Cloud Services:

  • Cloud Servers
  • VMWare Private Cloud
  • Cloud Dedicated Servers

VPS Hosting

  • VPS Hosting
  • Private VPS Parent

CMS & E-Commerce Hosting

  • Managed WordPress
  • Managed Woocommerce
  • Magento Cloud
  • Coud Sites

Best Dedicated Servers and Cloud Hosting 2021

Enterprise Hosting Services

  • VMWare Private Cloud
  • Cloud Servers
  • High Availability Hosting
  • Server Clusters
  • Database Hosting
  • High Performance Hosting
  • HIPAA Complaint Hosting

Addon Services

  • Storage & Backup Services
  • Security & Compliance
  • Performance Addons
  • Software Addons
  • Premium Email Hosting Services
  • PCI Compliant Services

Best Dedicated Servers and Cloud Hosting 2021

Operating Systems Support:

CentOS, Ubuntu, Cloud Linux and Windows

All major plans include the following services:

  • Standard DDoS Protection: Safeguards your website from any kind of brutal attack.
  • CloudFlare CDN: Increases your website speed by utilizing the nearest servers located across the globe.
  • Drive Backup: Secondary drive facility for better backup of your valuable data.
  • ServerSecure Advanced Security: ServerSecure protection for both Linux and Windows based servers.
  • Interworx, Plesk or cPanel Available: Manage you websites data at one place.
  • IPMI Access: Remote managing of your servers.
  • Root Access: Root level control for your servers.
  • Dedicated IP Address: Added layer of security.
  • Business-grade SSD Storage: These kind of storage make Blazing speed possible
  • 100% Network and Power Uptime SLAs: Never experience downtime.

Best Dedicated Servers and Cloud Hosting 2021

I hope that this article on Best Dedicated Servers and Cloud Hosting 2021 is helpful. Keep visiting my website for more such information.

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Himaghiri Thanayan.N is the founder of HBN Infotech. He has great dreams and passion for Graphic Design, Web Design, CAD Design, Arts & Crafts, Science & Information Technology and Article Writing.

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