Ultimate WordPress Polls For Your Website

Ultimate WordPress Polls For Your Website

Ultimate WordPress Polls For Your Website

In this article I shall take you on a tour and introduce you to the best WordPress survey and polls plugin. I bet that with this plugin you will be able to build the Ultimate WordPress Polls For Your Website.

Surveys and polls make your marketing research a lot easier as compared to other traditional methods. You can know your customer’s or website visitor’s intention more precisely. More importantly you get straight forward answers to all of the questions that arise in your mind. No other technique is as abrupt like polls and surveys. There are certain things that cannot be guessed even through the analytics tools and they could only be known through direct questions and answers only. So I guess that it does make sense for you to organize for a survey or poll on your website to learn the real intention and opinion of your audience and streamline your business strategies.

The Best Survey Software in 2020 - Best WodPress Survey Plugin

So which is the best WordPress plugin that could be used to create surveys or polls for your website?

If you take a little time and google for the best survey or polls plugin for WordPress website, then you should see WPForms at the first place in the list. If you don’t believe in my words then you could go and check the top WordPress experts and blog websites and check it out for yourself.

WPForms in short is the #1 popular WordPress form builder plugin that also has functionalities to create polls and surveys. WPForms comes with an surveys and polls addon that can be used for this purpose but this feature needs a paid subscription. This form builder is easy to learn and use with which you can build online forms whether simple or complex in matter of minutes. More importantly it comes tons of built-in templates that saves you a lot of time and efforts.

Highlights of WPForms surveys and polls addon

WPForms allows you to convert your existing form into polls and surveys with just a single click of a button. Enabling this option will get you access to additional features and options pertaining to surveys and polls. Further you can also make use of form fields such as survey radio Button,  rating field, likert scale field (this field in particular is used to create matrix questions).

In-depth survey and poll reports

WPForms facilitates with advanced and in-depth analysis and reporting system. The reports of your surveys and polls are beautifully arranged and presented in most appealing visualizations. Further these reports are highly customization. More importantly WPForms provides you with the real-time reports. The reports are constantly updated as soon as there is a new survey or poll submission. I can bet that very few WordPress plugins offer these many options and features. Least case I can say that you will need at-least 2 or more plugins to accomplish this task. Besides all these WPForms is very economical as compared to other paid solutions. You can go and check out the offers and discounts for this plugin through this link.

Embedding real-time reports of your surveys and polls on your website

The very interesting feature that I admire is the real-time report embedding. Yes you heard it right! WPForms surverys and polls reports can be embedded on your website at various locations such as a blog post, page or a widgetized area. As already mentioned that this reporting is real-time your website visitors are sure to be surprised to see the instant updates as soon as they are done with the form submission.

Are these reports shareable with others?

If you wonder whether you could share the reports with your clients and others, the very simple answer is “Yes”. Actually you can convert the reports into PDF documents or JPEG images, download them and share with your customers, employees and your website visitors. Further you can also beautiful generate charts with a click of a button and share them as well.

Will you be able to print your survey and poll reports

Yes of course, WPForms allows you to do that as well! Not only you can print the reports but also you can take the advantage of the in-built report templates that are especially designed for the purpose of printing. There are a number of table, graph and content styles that make your printed reports look a way more professional. You can change the visualization of your reports as per your requirements with few easy steps and clicks. The report is arranged in multiple pages automatically as per the requirement so that you can stay rest assured. You don’t have to spend hours of your valuable time in print and margin settings.

Last but not the least, I should tell you about “the Survey Logic or the Conditional Logic” feature

The biggest advantage with WPForms is its conditional logic feature. This feature allows you to facilitate your surveys and polls with logical questions based on specific conditions. With this feature you can create user specific questions that meet individual requirements. This way you can enhance the user experience.

Ultimate WordPress Polls For Your Website - Best Surveys and Polls Plugin

Further the questions can be displayed in a randomized order to avoid choice bias. This way the survey results becomes more reliable. Please refer to the image below:

Ultimate WordPress Polls For Your Website - Best Surveys and Polls Plugin

Specialized survey or poll form templates

As I have already mentioned that WPForms comes packed with a lot of beautiful form templates. Now recently they have added few more dedicated templates for surveys and polls with which you can create attractive polls and surveys in minutes. These form templates come with conditional logic examples as well. So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and give WPForms a try right now.

Ultimate WordPress Polls For Your Website - Best Surveys and Polls Plugin

I hope that this article on Ultimate WordPress Polls For Your Website is useful. Never forget to share this article with your friends and subscribe our newsletter for latest WordPress news.

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Himaghiri Thanayan.N is the founder of HBN Infotech. He has great dreams and passion for Graphic Design, Web Design, CAD Design, Arts & Crafts, Science & Information Technology and Article Writing.

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